
Praise Is The Water My Enemies Drown In 

 God inhabits the praises of His people. In Exodus 17, Israel is going to fight Amalek and his people. Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of a hill. As long as Moses held his hands up, the Israelites won. But Moses grew weary so Aaron and Hur held his arms up for him. The Israelites won a great battle that day.

There are a few great truths in this account: God inhabits our praise, don’t fight the battle on your own, and carefully choose those around you who will support you.

The phrase “Do not be afraid”, or its variations appears over 70 times in the Bible. God is for us so who can be against us?

Often we panic and run around wringing our hands wondering what to do in a situation, when if we took it to God first we could hear Him say Do not be afraid, I’ve got this. Put your faith and trust in me. Watch me as I defend and fight for you. (Of course, we can’t expect God to swoop in and clean up a mess we’ve made, even though some times he does that.) 

Living a life of praise and worship won’t always lead us along straight, smooth paths. God doesn’t promise that. But He does fight for us!

I like the title of this article, it gives me courage, strength, and a determination to stay locked into Jesus. What we set our minds on really does determine our mood and thought-life.

Most days I listen to KLOVE radio, others I listen to my music. I have found that positive input curates positive outcomes. The adage is true: Garbage in garbage out.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in your sight O Lord.  Psalm 19:14 ESV